

Vitamins & Minerals

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Vitamins & Minerals: essential nutrients for your health

Vitamins and minerals are part of the essential nutrients and are called micronutrients because the body needs them in small quantities.

They are essential for the proper functioning of the body , since they help tissue repair , growth and defense against diseases.

In childhood they are even more important since it is a vital stage of full physical and intellectual development .

Nutrients are obtained through a healthy, varied and balanced diet , but in certain circumstances such as breastfeeding, pregnancy, the growth phase, changes in diet, seasonality or chronic diseases , there may be a deficit that requires additional help. to achieve that extra supply of vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

Vitamins for sleep, vitamins for women, vitamins for pregnancy, vitamins to strengthen the throat, and much more.

Requirements are increasingly demanding to cope with everyday life and the universe of vitamins and minerals in the form of food supplements exists to make up for your deficiencies and satisfy the specific demand of your body.

Vitamins and minerals: supplements adapted to your needs

Do you want to strengthen your defenses to anticipate seasonal colds?

Do you suffer from hair loss or have brittle nails ?

Have you started a vegetarian diet ?

Do you plan to have children and want to prepare your body for pregnancy ?

Are you expecting a baby or breastfeeding ?

Have you been diagnosed with a specific pathology that causes poor nutrient absorption ?

Do you have trouble falling asleep or do you feel more fatigued than usual?

Do you have children in the growth phase ?

Do you need help taking care of your bone, joint or muscle health ?

There are various reasons why you may need your extra supply of vitamins and minerals , and at Farma2go you will find a wide variety of supplements.

Always choose what you need under the recommendation of your doctor and choose the brand you like the most, we have a huge catalog: Aquilea , Arkopharma , Ana María La Justicia , Berocca , Collvital , Colnatur , Floradix , Kneipp , Leotron , Multicentrum , Redoxon , Solgar , Supradyn , Vitae and the list goes on and on.

Vitamins and minerals for the body Banner

At Farma2go you will find multivitamins , vitamin and mineral cocktails that improve physical and mental performance, combat fatigue and strengthen systems.

And all kinds of accessories :

Vitamins and minerals for your joint health: they are supplements based on collagen and magnesium above all, which improve the condition of joints, bones, cartilage, bones and tendons.

Vitamins and minerals to recover desire and sexual vigor: there are many variables that can affect relationships: fatigue, stress, emotional discomfort and physical pathologies, among other reasons. Adequate supplementation can be a good support to stimulate and improve intimate relationships.

Vitamins and minerals for the health of your hair and nails: they preserve and keep your hair and nails in good condition and are an aid to face problems such as dandruff, dryness, excess oil, hair loss, shine, density or vitality .

Vitamins and minerals to help you take care of your eyesight : they protect your eyes from oxidative stress caused by pollution, lack of sleep, screen use and the passage of time. Take care of and maintain the quality of your vision.

Vitamins and minerals to deal with fatigue: the extra contribution necessary to activate and maintain your energy and physical and mental vitality

Vitamins and minerals to face pregnancy and breastfeeding: during this phase the needs for vitamins, minerals and trace elements are greater, so supplements help to complete the nutrients obtained through food, think that it is the main source of food for the baby.

Vitamins and minerals for menopause: they relieve the symptoms of this important life stage such as hot flashes, heat stroke, improve the appearance of the skin and even help maintain bone density.

Vitamins and minerals to take care of your beauty from within: they improve elasticity, combat the signs of aging, hydrate and nourish.

Vitamins and minerals to improve circulation: they relieve tired legs , provide lightness and mitigate the feeling of tiredness and heaviness.

Vitamins and minerals to improve fertility and conception: they contribute to optimal embryonic and fetal development to meet the needs of this vital stage in a woman's life.

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