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Cosmetics at the best price on Farma2go

Cosmetics allow us to take care of our body and skin by giving it the nutrients it needs and taking advantage of natural beauty.

Within cosmetics we can differentiate between several categories, such as facial and body cosmetics, or acne cosmetics and sun protection products . For these categories there are various products such as scrubs, masks, creams or serums that each of them will help us treat the area we want.

With these products we will provide our skin with the best care, keeping it clean, healthy, hydrated and protected from external or internal factors that can alter our skin, producing imperfections, pimples or marks.

With our products you can keep the skin on your face young, radiant and hydrated , with the moisturizing creams, exfoliants and facial cleansers that we propose. These products will help you maintain effective cleansing, nourish, hydrate, repair and recover the natural elasticity of the skin.

We have a variety of facial treatments to improve the appearance of your face, such as astringent facial cleansers and toners with pore-reducing properties, anti-wrinkle and anti-aging creams with hyaluronic acid that produce a lifting effect and combat the signs of aging.

For all skin types, such as oily, combination and dry , we have a suitable treatment and a different cream for each of them.

With all these products we help you recover the youth of your skin and try to take care of it in the best possible way.

We also have makeup removers and depigmentants that will clean your skin without leaving dirt, so that the skin is clean and hydrated.

Featured products: Mela B3 , gh barrier function , Gema Herrerías Retinol and many more.