List of products by brand Colnatur

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COLNATUR Collagen is a range of food supplements based on a supply of hydrolyzed collagen that naturally helps care for bones, muscles and joints. Thanks to its effectiveness and the trust of its users, it has become a reference brand when looking for an extra supply of pure, assimilable collagen. Without additives or chemical components, it guarantees very good digestibility that makes it ideal to be taken regularly. Its effects can begin to be noticed between 1 and 3 months after starting to take it, so it acts quickly, strengthening your joints, bones, teeth and skin.

If the health of your joints and bones suffers, it is possible that our body is not generating enough collagen, as a result of the passing of the years and aging, and we are beginning to notice and suffer the consequences of its deficiency. Once this point has been reached, the sooner we begin to act and provide extra collagen to our body, the better. At Farma2Go we put at your disposal all the ranges of COLNATUR Collagen so that you can use the one that best suits your specific needs. As always, in our online pharmacy we want the highest quality to be affordable for all budgets, which is why we strive to achieve the best COLNATUR prices on the market.

What Benefits does Taking COLNATUR Collagen provide?

COLNATUR collagen has gone through a previous hydrolyzation process , through a process through enzymes similar to that carried out by the digestive system, which makes assimilation by the body much faster and more efficient . Being made from natural raw materials , it does not contain any type of chemical substances, thus avoiding unnecessary waste and maximizing the benefits of its healthy ingredients. In addition, COLNATUR Collagen food supplements have been incorporated with Vitamin C, which enhances all the properties of pure collagen protein, ensuring its maximum effectiveness and helping the body itself to naturally generate more collagen.

The collagen that COLNATUR uses in its food supplements , being subjected to a hydrolysis process to improve digestion, is very easy to take and is perfectly assimilated by the body. It does not contain preservatives, allergens, fats, sugars, or colorants, making it one of the most natural collagen supplements you can find on the market. If you need to improve the maintenance of your bones and joints, take a look at the Farma2Go catalog and choose COLNATUR Collagen, you will not regret it.

What is COLNATUR Collagen?

Collagen is an essential protein for the body, which is part of the connective tissue : skin, bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage... and which is naturally acquired through food, going through a hydrolyzed process that allows it to be assimilated by our body. As we age, collagen synthesis decreases, so there comes a time when our body needs an extra contribution, which can be in the form of the COLNATUR food supplement .

COLNATUR Collagen is a soluble, assimilable or hydrolyzed food ingredient, made from the fragmentation of natural collagen found in animal tissues, so that the body can absorb it more easily, due to its similarity to what it already contains naturally. All COLNATUR collagen is made from raw materials rich in this protein, such as top quality meats and fish. The contribution of COLNATUR Collagen is very nutritious and, in addition, it is very easy to incorporate into our diet, since it does not require long preparation times or complex methods. It is enough to take 10g of this hydrolyzed collagen protein to contribute to the optimal conservation of our muscle mass and the maintenance of bones and joints in normal conditions.


Who is COLNATUR Collagen Indicated for?

COLNATUR Collagen is suitable for all ages, although it is especially indicated for adults over 40 years of age who want to maintain the flexibility and elasticity of their joints and muscles, so as not to lose mobility and keep their body strong and dynamic. For this reason, COLNATUR food supplements are especially recommended for situations in which the organic tissues of the bones and joints are more worn out and affected, with the risk of causing discomfort in your daily life and limiting us when it comes to physical exercise. This wear can be natural, a consequence of the passage of time and aging, the product of overuse in sports or intense physical exercise, as a result of a very aggressive surgical intervention, or for any other reason. For this reason, COLNATUR Collagen is also perfect for athletes or people who train and do a lot of physical exercise each day, helping to reduce the risk of injuries by slowing the wear and tear that continuous physical activity causes on bones and joints. With COLNATUR, Farma2Go helps you keep your body in perfect condition, giving you everything you need to feel young, strong and resilient.

COLNATUR Innovation and Research

The COLNATUR brand, specialist in Collagens, is produced by the laboratories of the ORDESA group, which invest a lot of effort in maximizing the branches of research, development and innovation, to obtain products of the highest quality that satisfy the needs of all. people with complete safety, tolerability and efficacy. Furthermore, this brand, a leader in the food supplements market, promotes advanced research in the field of nutrition, stimulating fruitful scientific networks of university-business collaboration in research and innovation. At Farma2Go we only want to offer the highest quality products for your body, that is why we only work with brands that have proven their worth in terms of quality, usefulness, effectiveness and safety. Of course, our priority is you, so we always try to offer you the best products at the best price online.

What are the Opinions of COLNATUR Consumers?

COLNATUR Collagen products enjoy the trust of their consumers, by contributing to the maintenance of bones and joints in good condition in an efficient and safe way. Specifically, the food supplement COLNATUR Forte , a bilayer tablet based on native type II collagen, has been distinguished as Product of the Year 2021 from the Grand Prize for Innovation. This award is awarded to the products whose formula and principles are the most innovative, and is decided in a contest with the voting of more than 10,000 consumers. In addition, 100 families carry out a test of each product candidate for the award to assess the quality-price ratio and other attributes, such as its effectiveness, practicality, etc. This award is proud to be the only one in Spain that is distinguished for being based on the direct vote of consumers, giving the rank of judges to those who can truly give their opinion on its effects and benefits.

COLNATUR Innovation

Buy COLNATUR Products

COLNATUR Collagen products are intended for the care of joints, muscles, bones, teeth, gums and skin. Its contribution of COLNATUR collagen , a natural protein, very assimilable and pure, provides all the properties that your body needs to not deteriorate. Enriched with Vitamin C, these food supplements are a nutritional aid for all ages and situations. COLNATUR Collagen is presented in the form of a completely soluble powder, or in tablets, being especially indicated for people who, for different reasons, require special care of their bones and joints. You can buy COLNATUR products from home easily and simply through Farma2Go, your trusted online pharmacy . In addition, you can benefit from our offers and the best prices on all their product ranges.


What Characteristics do COLNATUR Collagen Food Supplements have?

COLNATUR has developed a complete range of food supplements based on hydrolyzed collagen that covers the different needs that our body may have. Obtained from natural raw materials and synthesized through manufacturing processes that do not use chemical substances, avoiding the presence of chemical residues in the product that could harm our health or reduce collagen tolerance. Thus, COLNATUR achieves a very assimilable Collagen, having been subjected to a pre-digestion process (hydrolysis), using enzymes similar to those of our digestive system, to achieve easier, more comfortable and beneficial digestion for our body.

The result of maximum innovation and research in nutritional matters is COLNATUR Collagen , very quickly soluble and one of the most neutral on the market in terms of taste and smell. Its composition also does not contain fats, sugars, artificial sweeteners, colorings, preservatives, allergens or GMOs, allowing it to be taken continuously and without rest periods. The recommended daily dose of COLNATUR Collagen to be able to notice and maintain its effects is 10 grams of hydrolyzed collagen protein. To make it more comfortable for you and to get into the routine more easily, at Farma2Go we send you your order of COLNATUR Collagen in just 24 hours*.


COLNATUR Classic Collagen contributes to the normal maintenance of muscles, bones and joints. The Classic range is especially indicated for the care of joints and cartilage in people over 40 years of age. Its hydrolyzed collagen is combined with Vitamin C in easily soluble powder containers that you can find in COLNATUR Classic Neutral format, or with different flavors, such as COLNATUR Classic Forest Fruits . This simple formula contains everything your body needs to not lose flexibility and not suffer as the years go by.



The COLNATUR Complex Collagen range is especially indicated for the global care of joints, bones, muscles, gums, teeth and skin. It helps reduce fatigue and tiredness, being very useful for people with an active lifestyle. Enriched, in addition to Vitamin C, with Magnesium and Hyaluronic Acid, which acts as a lubricant, helping to retain optimal amounts of water for the body. You can find this formula in COLNATUR Complex Neutral format, or with magnificent flavors, such as COLNATUR Complex Vanilla or COLNATUR Complex Forest Fruits.



The COLNATUR Sport Collagen formula is designed specifically for those people who love to play sports, since it contributes to improving sports performance thanks to the strengthening of joints and muscles . This range of Natural Collagen is not only for people who practice high-performance physical exercise, but also for those who wish to preserve muscle mass or pay special attention to the care of their joints, bones, gums, teeth and skin. Its formula, rich in Vitamin C and Magnesium, is also enriched with Manganese, Zinc and Vitamins B2 and B3 , which act together with hydrolyzed collagen protein to significantly improve energy metabolism. If you love playing sports and want to keep your body in good condition, try COLNATUR Sport Neutro as soon as possible, you will quickly notice palpable improvements. You can also find this COLNATUR Collagen in formats with delicious flavors, such as COLNATUR Sport Lemon .



COLNATUR Forte Collagen is a supplement in bilayer tablet format that helps recover mobility to allow you to return to doing those activities that you performed before and that you want to continue doing. Its format with native collagen type II b-2Cool helps maintain the normal structure of articular cartilage. Combined with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C, these tablets treat joint pain and relieve it, so that your body can function normally again. Consumers of COLNATUR Forte Natural Collagen highlight the practicality of its packaging, without downplaying its wonderful results. Try the COLNATUR Forte double-action bilayer tablets and improve the performance of your joints by recovering their ideal state.

COLNATUR Osteodense

The new COLNATUR Osteodense Collagen is a food supplement that contributes, especially, to the care of bones, increasing bone mineral density to reduce tiredness and fatigue. Its formula includes FORTIBONE Collagen, based on specific bioactive collagen peptides that increase bone density. It acts together with Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 to maintain bones in normal conditions. Its effectiveness has been clinically demonstrated and it is a soluble collagen that dissolves as well as any other COLNATUR product. At Farma2Go, we have this Natural Collagen in COLNATUR Osteodense Chocolate format and in its COLNATUR Osteodense Vanilla version, so you can choose the flavor you like the most.


COLNATUR Fisio is a muscle and sports massage cream that is ideal for taking care of muscles topically after overexertion. Ideal for athletes, it helps take care of the muscles, relieving fatigue and cramps thanks to its formulation, made from active ingredients such as arnica extract, menthol, calendula, St. John's wort or melaleuca. These plant extracts provide restorative benefits with a refreshing effect that calm discomfort and contribute to the regeneration processes of muscle tissues. Its active collagen peptides do not cause irritation, making them perfect for all skin types, including the most sensitive. Take a look at our catalog and get, with the best online prices and incredible discounts, your COLNATUR Fisio Sports Massage Cream, in a 60ml travel format or in a larger size, 250ml.