List of products by brand Longevitas


LONGEVITAS, Health and Longevity

LONGEVITAS laboratories are specialized in the creation and development of high-quality formulas based on the maximum scientific rigor to ensure that our body ages healthily, following the principles of sports medicine. Using plants, fruits and other sources of nutrients in high concentration, LONGEVITAS products are based on solid alliances between nutrition, well-being and beauty. Therefore, buying LONGEVITAS is a guarantee of quality , since these food supplements assume the highest quality standards as the only path to a healthy and long-lived society.

At Farma2Go we believe that, to correct the impact that the current lifestyle has on health and prevent diseases derived from it, we must lead a healthy life. For this, there is no better supplement than LONGEVITAS products , which fuse the highest quality parameters with three decades of highly effective professional practice. In our online pharmacy we offer you innovative solutions with the best LONGEVITAS offers and the best prices.


What Differentiates LONGEVITAS Products from Other Supplements?

LONGEVITAS products, produced by a 100% Spanish company specialized in the formulation and manufacturing of innovative supplements in the field of nutraceuticals, are designed with the direct application of the maximum innovation of R&D centers of maximum prestige and independent, to obtain supplements foods that are supported by health experts, with scientific evidence that guarantees their effectiveness.

A good supplement acts long term, but the excellent LONGEVITAS products have a cumulative action that makes you notice the effects and benefits of their active ingredients little by little, increasing progressively. You will notice improvements in different aspects of your health inside and outside the body in just a couple of weeks. From there, the benefits will gradually increase with continued intake.


LOBGEVITAS laboratories are specialized in physical well-being and healthy longevity, with the aim of helping all their clients achieve fullness, enhance their physical performance and recover vital energy. For this reason, they have put the best specialists at the service of all those people who want to enjoy their health every day, creating excellent food supplements with excellent beneficial effects for the body in precise dosages for the best results. LONGEVITAS products will help you feel better and age in a healthier and more vital way.