List of products by brand Meritene


There comes a time in life when, without realizing it, your body begins to change. You lose strength, muscle mass and it is more difficult for you to recover. The key is proteins, they are responsible for maintaining your muscle mass and, over time, you need to eat more. Meritene® is the only dietary supplement rich in protein that helps you maintain your muscle mass and contains 19 vitamins and mineral salts that give you energy and vitality.


- Proteins:

Proteins are chains of amino acids; Nine of these essential amino acids can only be obtained through our diet and are those that determine the quality of protein. In addition to the amount we consume, it is also important that proteins contain the highest proportion of essential amino acids in order to create new proteins. Of the total calories we consume per day, approximately 10% to 15% should be protein. The other macronutrients, carbohydrates and fats will contribute to the rest.

Proteins are the main structural component of cells and tissues. In addition, they play digestive, hormonal and protective roles.

The dietary reference intake (FRA) for the general population is 0.8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight, as long as they are good quality proteins.

- MEN 50 YEARS OLD: 0.8 g/kg/day or 56 g/day

- WOMEN AGE 50: 0.8 g/kg/day or 46 g/day However, some experts believe that these needs increase in certain diseases and, taking into account that one of the most common diseases in old age is malnutrition protein-energy, it is considered safe to ingest 1 to 1.25 g/kg/day.

- Vitamin D :

It is a vitamin that can be synthesized by man and simply with sufficient exposure to sunlight or deficiency of this vitamin can be avoided.

It stimulates the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus (from the diet) helping to maintain normal levels of these minerals.

Strengthens the immune system, helping to prevent infections.

When sun exposure is insufficient to produce the necessary amount of this vitamin, dietary intake of vitamin D is essential. For this, about 30 minutes/day of light exposure is recommended throughout the year.

- Calcium :

Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body. 99% of its content is found in bones.

Its main function is the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth, however, it also has other functions outside bone tissue such as blood coagulation, muscle contraction and neurotransmission.

Bone density changes with age. During the first years of life it increases and when we reach adulthood it begins to decrease progressively. An adequate intake of calcium from a young age will help us achieve maximum bone density, thus preventing it from deteriorating rapidly.

- Hyaluronic Acid :

It is a polysaccharide (carbohydrate) with a viscous texture, formed by large molecules, which is found in large quantities in the skin, cartilage and joints.

Its main function is physical. Hyaluronic acid is a main component of synovial fluid in a healthy joint and acts as both a lubricant and a shock absorber, for example when running or jumping. And on the other hand, it allows the elasticity and flexibility of the tendons and ligaments.

Older people and athletes are the population groups that usually suffer from wear and tear on their joints. In older people it is due to the fact that after the age of 50 there is a significant decrease in hyaluronic acid, and in the case of athletes it is due to repeated use. This wear and tear can cause pain, limited mobility and a consequent decrease in quality of life.

- Antioxidants :

Antioxidants are capable of neutralizing free radicals (substances that damage cells) and protect against cellular aging.

- Hydrolyzed Collagen :

Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals and is mainly found in cartilage, tendons, ligaments, bones and skin. Hydrolyzed collagen comes from the hydrolysis or breakdown of collagen that facilitates its absorption.

It has a physical role. It is essential in tissues that support weight such as bones and cartilage in joints, in tissues that transmit force such as tendons and ligaments, and in those that need to change volume such as muscle fascia.

- Fiber :

Dietary fiber is a type of carbohydrate that is not digested, so it reaches the large intestine where it will be fermented by the intestinal flora, giving rise to various compounds.

Prebiotic effect: promotes the development of intestinal flora (beneficial microorganisms).

It prevents constipation because it increases the volume of feces and decreases its consistency and transit time through the digestive tract.

Regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Produces satiety.

- Iron :

Iron is a trace element necessary for multiple body functions. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in industrialized countries, despite the high availability of food.

Iron helps transport oxygen both in the blood (as part of hemoglobin) and in tissues (myoglobin).

It is also essential for the growth of cells (such as red blood cells) and immune function.

- Magnesium :

Magnesium is a mineral necessary to carry out more than one hundred processes in the body. More than half of the magnesium in the body is found in the bones and the rest in different organs and tissues.

Like calcium, magnesium contributes to bone structure. It participates in different metabolic functions such as nerve function, cardiac function and blood pressure regulation.

A good source of magnesium is chocolate, especially dark chocolate due to a higher percentage of cocoa.

- Manganese :

It is a trace element or trace element that is found in very small quantities in our body but is essential for its proper functioning. Little is known about its effects, although problems with a deficiency have been detected.

It is involved in the enzymatic activation of different processes in the body, among which the cellular antioxidant defense system and the release of energy, or precursors of wound healing, stand out.

- Potassium :

It is the main electrolyte present in the cellular environment and helps maintain the correct water balance of the body.

Potassium is necessary to maintain the body's acid-base balance. It participates in numerous metabolic processes of the cell. It is necessary to transmit nerve impulses and also to carry out muscle contraction, including that of the heart.

- Vitamin A :

It is a vitamin necessary for the health of mucous membranes, skin, nails, hair and tooth enamel.

It is essential for the immune system, promotes the repair of infected tissues and increases resistance to infections.

It is essential for vision, especially night vision.

- Vitamin B1 :

Group B vitamins help reduce tiredness and fatigue, and each of them provides specific benefits to our body. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) plays a major role in carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism.

- Vitamin B12 : Group B vitamins help reduce tiredness and fatigue, and each of them provides specific benefits to our body. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) helps form red blood cells and maintains the structure of nerve cells. It is also important for defenses.

- Vitamin B2 : Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is essential in the production of energy for the body through the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is important for the skin, mucous membranes and cornea, and is essential for good vision.

- Vitamin B6 : Group B vitamins help reduce tiredness and fatigue, and each of them provides specific benefits to our body. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) helps produce antibodies necessary to fight disease. It participates in the production of hemoglobin, a substance that transports oxygen through the blood, and also serotonin. It can be useful in people with depression, stress or sleep disorders.

- Vitamin B9 : Group B vitamins help reduce tiredness and fatigue, and each of them provides specific benefits to our body. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is necessary for the production and maintenance of new cells, so it is very important during childhood and pregnancy. It is especially important in adults for the creation of red blood cells.

- Vitamin C : Vitamin C contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system. It is essential for the development and maintenance of the body, and, as such, its intake is necessary to maintain good health. In addition, it helps absorb iron, works on the synthesis of collagen necessary for tissues such as the skin, and also has an important antioxidant action.

- Zinc : Zinc plays such a broad role in the metabolism that when there is a deficiency of this element it is perceived as a notable loss of health. The most notable functions would be:

- Growth and repair of cells.

- Metabolism of glucose, lipids and proteins.

- It is essential for the functions of various tissues and especially for the immune system.