A.Vogel Biotta Potato Juice 500ml
A.Vogel Biotta Potato Juice 500ml
  • A.Vogel Biotta Potato Juice 500ml

A.Vogel Biotta Potato Juice 500ml

Fermented potato juice for the natural care of our body.


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A.Vogel Biotta Potato Juice 500 ml

It is a very alkaline juice that aids digestion, eliminates toxins, and is highly recommended when we have exceeded our daily intake of calories or alcohol.

It is rich in magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc, and also acts on digestive problems such as gastritis, or cardiovascular diseases.

It is a powerful immune system booster.

You will love taking it daily before every meal.

Instructions for use of A.Vogel Biotta Potato Juice 500 ml

Take 1 glass before each meal.


Lacto-fermented potato juice* (96%), Fennel juice* with natural L(+) lactic acid acidifier.

(*)=From certified organic farming.
