Nutriben Comfort 2 800 g
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Nutriben Comfort 2 800 g
  • Nutriben Comfort 2 800 g
  • Nutriben Comfort 2 800 g
  • Nutriben Comfort 2 800 g

Nutriben Comfort 2 800 g

Formula specifically indicated for infant colic and constipation.

From 6 months.

In addition, it is suitable for preparing any Nutribén® porridge.


By purchasing this product, you earn 65 points .

Nutriben Comfort 2 800 g

Infant formula indicated from the sixth month, recommended in case of infant colic or constipation .

It is a source of rapidly absorbed amino acids and peptides, promoting digestion.

How to use Nutribén Confort 2 800 g

Age Flat measurements* Boiled water You take a day
6 months or more 8 240 ml 4

*One level measure equals approximately 4.6 g.

You can combine this product with any other from our range of Infant Milks

Or if you prefer, you can click on the following link to see or buy Nutribén products
