Equisalud Esential Oil Bio Cypress 10 ml

Vasoconstrictor and venous tonifier, strong astringent, antispasmodic, antiperspirant, antirheumatic and diuretic.

It is also a good foot deodorizer and can be used in antihemorrhoidal ointments.


Vasoconstrictor and venous tonifier, strong astringent, antispasmodic, antiperspirant, antirheumatic and diuretic.

It is also a good foot deodorizer and can be used in antihemorrhoidal ointments.

Equisalud Esential Oil Bio Cypress 10 ml

Oil that acts as a vasoconstrictor and venous tonifier, strong astringent, antispasmodic, antiperspirant, antirheumatic and diuretic.

It is a good foot deodorizer, and is also indicated for the relief of spasmodic coughs.

Fight hemorrhoids.

How to Use Equisalud Essential Oil Bio Cypress 10 ml

Internal use: take two or three drops mixed with a spoon of honey, molasses, brown sugar or olive oil, two or three times a day. Use a dropper.

External use: mix three drops of essential oil with three drops of hazelnut oil. Place on the area to be treated to promote good circulation.

Precautions with Equisalud Esential Oil Bio Cypress 10 ml

It can cause sensitization through direct contact with the skin, avoid it by diluting it first.

Food supplements do not replace a healthy and balanced diet.

Keep out of the reach of children.


Organic cypress essential oil (Cupressus sempervirens L., branch with leaf). QT: Alpha-pinene, Delta-3-carene. (100%).

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